01/16 - 01/23 (1) - Dakota Voice
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Source: www.dakotavoice.com
Differences between McCain and Obama go well beyond the obvious - San Francisco Gate
The differences couldn't be more striking — and they go well beyond older, white and Republican vs. younger, black and Democratic. John McCain, more spontaneous and accessible
Source: www.sfgate.com
Destination wedding spots - Canoe
You may not lay claim to Google co-founder Larry Page's fortune, but if you're willing to open your wallet, you can say "I do" like the 34-year-old tech titan. Just head to Necker
Source: www.canoe.ca
Meet the Candidates - Rolling Stone
RS Fun Fact: Sen. McCain has had more appearances on The Daily Show than any other guest and is good friends with its host, Jon Stewart. McCain has also made cameos in the film
Source: www.rollingstone.com
Bush tweaks candidates at correspondents' dinner - Miami Herald
Authorities paid pirates a ransom of $1.2 million to win the freedom of a Spanish fishing boat and its 26-member crew seized off the Horn of Africa a week ago, a Somali official
Source: www.miamiherald.com